Hi there,
I am Qingyi Li,
an experience designer.
I design human-centered products and experiences that create a sense of togetherness in this diverse yet polarized world. Currently at Google.
Features ↓
Design Community Leader • UX/Interaction Designer
Friends of Figma NYC
I currently serve as the leader of Friends of Figma NYC, a 900+ designer community connecting folks from Google, Microsoft, Meta, and more! Join our events and become part of this growing network.
Design System • UX/Interaction Designer
Design the next generation Design System.
Coming soon…
Design System • Wechat Mini-program
Consolidated component library sites and design guidelines into TEA Design System.
Interaction Design • Development
Anywhere Door Collection
A virtual public space that channels the desires, hopes, and memories of the community through specific “sites of longing”.
BME NGO • Wellness week website
Wellness Challenge
The Wellness Challenge by Bright Mind Enrichment and Schooling is a platform where individuals achieve personal wellness goals, triggering donations for the homeless, while fostering a healthier and more connected community.
Responsive Design • Search/Filter
Product Strategy
The high-level strategies of Zen Mode 2.0 help you put down your phone and enjoy your life.
Exhibition & Installation Design
Kinesthetic Togetherness
Kinesthetic Togetherness is an interactive video projection installation that simulates ‘mirroring,’ an exercise usually used in dance/movement therapy, to create a sense of togetherness.
More projects ↓
Art & Making
“ Making is my biggest passion. I love to make fun objects using all kinds of materials, such as paper, wood, plastic, metal, glass, and even found materials. I also draw and illustrate for fun during free time ;) "